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California’s draconian fast-food minimum wage law is bad enough, but it turns out a company can avoid the trouble if it has ties to...


Recent Iranian missile strikes on Israel in response to its earlier attack on the Iranian consulate in Syria have escalated the prospects of all-out...


Robert Nozick’s Anarchy, State and Utopia turns fifty this year, and this libertarian classic has stood the test of time.


Gross domestic product (GDP) is the most common measure of national wealth and economic growth. Yet the layman—and even many businessmen and economists—is taken...


Whenever governing elites create a new crisis, they insist that “we’re all in this together.” It’s time to ignore their lies altogether. Original Article: Are We Really All...


Modern international law tends to grant a right to “remedial self-determination” only in extreme cases. Unfortunately, this position accepts that states ought to be free to violate human...


Thomas DiLorenzo, the President of the Mises Institute, has already reviewed Paul C. Graham’s Nonsense on Stilts: The Gettysburg Address and Lincoln’s Imaginary Nation (Shotwell Publishing 2024) in...