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Rose Wilder Lane, known for her many writings, also has been a favorite of libertarians. In this week‘s Friday Philosophy, David Gordon reviews a...


The debate over use of nuclear weapon is built upon the assumption that they‘ve only been used twice, both against Japan. However, if we...


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We may be in the New Year, but James Bovard is not ready to put the craziness of 2024 in his rearview mirror. Here...


After spending 25 years as a columnist for the New York Times, Paul Krugman is finally retiring from that position—25 years too late, if...


After spending 25 years as a columnist for the New York Times, Paul Krugman is finally retiring from that position—25 years too late, if...


In his Friday Philosophy column, Dr. David Gordon reviews Sean McMeekin‘s latest work on the rise of Marxist ideology—even though it should have been...


Marx is often portrayed as motivated by love of the working class, but, starting from the time he was a university student, he displayed...


In his Friday Philosophy column, Dr. David Gordon reviews Sean McMeekin‘s latest work on the rise of Marxist ideology—even though it should have been...


The Mises Institute is giving away copies of Murray Rothbard’s classic, What Has Government Done to Our Money? and it will change how one...