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Canadian bankruptcy filings jumped 40% last year, while CIBC reports nearly half of Canadians have zero emergency savings.


While defenders of democracy claim to hold fealty to the U.S. Constitution, they are quick to jettison it when they claim that democracy itself...


On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan and Tho discuss America’s new chapter of late-stage Soviet politics.


Surprisingly, Project 2025 blames the Fed for exacerbating the cycle of booms and busts, inflating away the value of the dollar, enabling exorbitant deficit...


Utopians are not satisfied with imposing DEI on humans. They also want the state to treat animals as “oppressed” minorities with positive rights.


For all of his freedom-loving rhetoric, it is clear that Woodrow Wilson was one of the most antifreedom presidents in U.S. history.


Under the regime of apartheid, South Africa’s government engaged in legal discrimination. In the new South Africa, the government also engages in legal racial...