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American higher education, which is supposed to be about learning truth, has become a bastion of untruth. As higher education loses accountability, it simultaneously...
Progressives have been calling for heavy taxes and other confiscatory policies to be aimed at wealthy Americans. While they didn‘t win the recent presidential...
In its so-called war against “hate,” the state determines who are the villains and then instructs everyone else to hate the “haters.” As one...
As American culture becomes dominated by militant feminism, a new voting group of dissenters is arising: young male voters. These are young men that...
There is much the electorate still needs to understand about how those in power are ripping us off if we’re ever going to see...
Modern progressives are obsessed with collective guilt, demanding that Americans pay reparations for slavery even though it ended in the US 160 years ago....
The election is upon us. We wonder whether we have to have war, tariffs, and deficit spending, regardless of whom we support. What are...
The 2024 election will provide few solutions to the underlying pressures eroding American political norms. Regardless of the outcome, half the country will feel...
Not all news from the gold and monetary fronts is bad. In fact, gold made a number of advancements in seven states, including exemptions...